Khamis, 29 April 2010

wHen the uR sPeLLing rUinEd

cHooSen @ cHoSeN ....hahahahhaa...dO yoU reALise my fIrST pOst tHere aRe loTs of eRroRs aLL over the' choOSen' woRd spellinG sUpposE to be cHosEn not ChooSen...too excitEd to creAte mY oWn blog tIlL fOrGet the spellIng of the wOrD. heHehhehehE...reAlise my own mIstaKe.....oR tyPiNg eRror...haHaHahAhahaHa....

mY tHouGht

Allah matlamat kami ;

Rasul itu ikutan kami ;

Al-Quran itu perlembagaan kami ;

Jihad jalan kami; dan

Mati pada jalan Allah ialah setinggi-tinggi cita-cita kami.