Selasa, 20 April 2010

tHe iNspiratIon of tHe bLoG nAme

In A tiMe of daRkness and gReen
hE is the liGht tHat we nEed
He coMe to TEach Us hOw to livE
MuHd ya RasulAllah
yOu aRe so carIng and kind
yoU are so wiSe full of light
you are tHe bEst of manDkind
muhd khairukhalkillah
sallu 'ala rasulillah habibil mushtafa
peAce be upon him the messenger
the chosen one
fRom love yOu returned away
and all nIght you wEre pray
truthful in eVery word you say
muhd ya rasulaLlah
you fAce were whiter than the sun
you beAuty eqUaled by no one
yOu are Allah chooSen one
Muhd khairukhalkillah
Sallu ala rasulillah habibil mustafa
pEace bE upOn the messeNger
the Chosen one
I tried to foLlow yOur way
and do my best to live my life as you weRe talking
I pray to be closed to yOu
on thAT Day aNd see yOu smiLe
when You See mE

Sallu ala rasulillah habibil mustafa
pEace bE upon the messeNger
the cHoSen one

mIss hiM soo Much......hoPe will sEE hIm iNsYaALLah....

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